SCP-020 - The Dispenser

Item #: SCP-020

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-020 is to be contained within a standard containment chamber at Site-XX. The chamber must be equipped with a security camera and monitored at all times. Access to SCP-020 is restricted to Level 3 personnel and above. Any experimentation with SCP-020 must be approved by at least two members of the Site Director's staff.


SCP-020 appears as a standard, unremarkable ATM machine. The exterior is a plain metallic gray with no distinguishing features. SCP-020's anomalous properties activate when the machine is turned on.

Upon activation, SCP-020 displays a text box on its screen with the prompt "Enter object name." When a user inputs a specific object name into SCP-020, the machine dispenses a physical manifestation of the object described. The dispensed object is an exact, functional replica of the inputted item, with some exceptions where SCP-020 displays a degree of creativity or distortion. Additionally, there is a chance that any input prompt could result in SCP-020 dispensing a copy of the entire Family Guy Season 6 on VHS.

Notable Responses

Test Log

Test 020-Z:

D-Class Personnel ID: D-0001

Action: D-Class attempted to unplug SCP-020.

Result: SCP-020 emitted a loud, high-frequency noise. The D-Class experienced severe auditory damage and collapsed. SCP-020 continued to function normally.

Test 020-AA:

D-Class Personnel ID: D-0002

Action: D-Class attempted to destroy SCP-020 using a sledgehammer.

Result: SCP-020 emitted a bright flash of light and a shockwave. The D-Class was thrown back, sustaining multiple injuries. SCP-020 remained operational with no visible damage.

Test 020-BB:

D-Class Personnel ID: D-0003

Action: D-Class stood in SCP-020's proximity for 30 minutes without interacting with it.

Result: SCP-020 dispensed a random object from its pool of items, and the D-Class experienced a sudden, unexplained psychological distress. The D-Class reported feeling a strong sense of paranoia and unease.

Test 020-CC:

D-Class Personnel ID: D-0004

Action: D-Class attempted to open SCP-020's casing.

Result: SCP-020 released a burst of blinding light. The D-Class experienced temporary blindness and intense disorientation but was otherwise unharmed. SCP-020 remained functional and operational.

Test 020-DD:

D-Class Personnel ID: D-0005

Action: D-Class input a misspelled version of "gun" (e.g., "hin").

Result: SCP-020's screen displayed an error message before a robotic arm extended from the side of the machine and strangled the D-Class. The D-Class was terminated, and SCP-020 resumed normal operations.

Personnel Note

Personnel ID: Dr. Karen Morris

"SCP-020 is by far the most unpredictable anomaly I've encountered in my tenure. The sheer range of objects it can produce—both mundane and bizarre—is astounding. However, the fatal consequences of certain interactions make it exceptionally dangerous. While it is fascinating to study, I strongly advise caution when working with this SCP. Its anomalous effects can be deadly, and the 'object name' response is a grim reminder of that. Let's continue to exercise the utmost care and restrict access to authorized personnel only."