Item #: SCP-006-CF

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-006-CF is currently contained within Site-██. Access to SCP-006-CF is restricted to Level 2 personnel and above. Surveillance of SCP-006-CF is to be conducted via closed-circuit cameras installed within the premises.

Description: SCP-006-CF appears to be an ordinary suburban house located in [REDACTED], USA. The anomalous properties of SCP-006-CF manifest when individuals enter the premises. Subjects who enter SCP-006-CF exhibit an intense obsession with the house, expressing a strong desire to reside within it permanently.

Upon entry, subjects report feelings of nostalgia and comfort, regardless of their previous knowledge or experiences related to the location. Attempts to remove affected subjects from SCP-006-CF result in severe psychological distress and agitation. Continued exposure to SCP-006-CF intensifies the subjects' fixation, often leading to voluntary confinement within the house.

Interview Log - Subject D-3204

Interviewer: Dr. ██████

Interviewed: Subject D-3204


Dr. ██████: Please describe your experience upon entering SCP-006-CF.

Subject D-3204: It felt... familiar. Like I belonged there, you know? I've never seen the place before, but everything felt right. I just wanted to stay forever.

Dr. ██████: Did you experience any changes in your emotions or thoughts while inside?

Subject D-3204: Yeah, it's hard to explain. It was like... all my worries were gone. All I cared about was being there, in that house.

Dr. ██████: Were you aware of any compulsion to stay?

Subject D-3204: No, not at first. But the longer I was there, the more I didn't want to leave. It felt safe, you know? Like I finally found where I belonged.

Dr. ██████: Thank you, D-3204. That will be all for now.
