SCP-004-CF - Bag of Screws

Object Class: Safe

Containment Procedures:

SCP-004-CF is to be stored in a standard containment locker at Site-██. Access to SCP-004-CF requires Level 2 clearance or higher. Testing involving extraction of screws must be conducted in a specially designated testing chamber with blast shielding.


SCP-004-CF is an anomalous canvas bag approximately 30 cm x 20 cm x 10 cm in size. It appears to contain an infinite supply of screws of various types and sizes, primarily wood and metal screws. The bag itself shows no signs of wear despite continuous use.

Initially classified as Safe, SCP-004-CF was utilized by Fren SCP Foundation personnel for routine maintenance and construction projects, due to its convenient and seemingly harmless nature. Approximately one month after its discovery, anomalous properties manifested.


SCP-004-CF was discovered on ██/██/20██ during a routine sweep of ███████, Colorado, following reports of minor anomalous activity in the area. Initial testing revealed SCP-004-CF’s regenerative properties and led to its classification as Safe.

Three months after its discovery, screws extracted from SCP-004-CF began to almost always be colored with paint. These screws, reffered to as SCP-004-CF-1 through SCP-004-CF-6 respectively, had strange properties. Said properties are listed here:

Further colors and effects are currently under investigation by Foundation researchers.

Incident Log CF-███:

On ██/██/20██, during routine testing, Researcher ██████ inadvertently extracted a screw painted with ██, resulting in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Security protocols have been revised accordingly.