SCP-005 - The Utah Teapot

Item #: SCP-005

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-005 is to be contained within a specially designed containment chamber at Site-XX. The chamber must be equipped with advanced computational systems capable of handling SCP-005's vast knowledge and abilities. Access to SCP-005 for research purposes requires approval from the SCP Foundation Ethics Committee and oversight from Level 4 personnel.

SCP-005's containment chamber should be monitored continuously for any anomalies or attempts to communicate beyond its designated parameters.


SCP-005 appears as a large, floating copy of the Utah teapot, measuring approximately 1.5 meters in diameter. It features a checkerboard pattern in shades of orange and dark orange across its surface. Despite its non-humanoid form, SCP-005 possesses omniscient knowledge and benevolent capabilities.

SCP-005 demonstrates unparalleled abilities to interact with and manipulate digital devices, accessing vast amounts of information instantaneously. It communicates primarily through written text, using sophisticated language and comprehensive understanding across all subjects.

Efforts to communicate verbally with SCP-005 have been met with limited success, as it prefers text-based communication to convey its insights and interact with researchers.

Additional Anomalous Properties:

SCP-005 also possesses an unexplained ability to manipulate gravitational forces within a 2-meter radius of its location. This effect causes objects nearby to experience variations in weight, with some personnel reporting sensations of weightlessness or increased gravity when interacting with SCP-005.

Research into the origins and manufacturing process of SCP-005 is ongoing. Efforts are focused on understanding its creation and the entity responsible for its anomalous properties. Testing involving SCP-005's interaction with other anomalous objects and its potential applications in containment procedures for mobile anomalies is currently under consideration.

Interview Log

Interviewer: Dr. ████████

Date: ██/██/████

Dr. ████████: SCP-005, given your omniscience, let's discuss future possibilities. What do you foresee as significant advancements or changes in technology over the next century?

SCP-005: Anticipated advancements may encompass breakthroughs in quantum computing, sustainable energy solutions, and advancements in medicine extending human lifespan. The integration of AI in everyday life will enhance efficiency and creativity across various fields.

Dr. ████████: Fascinating insights, SCP-005. How do you envision these advancements shaping society and everyday life?

SCP-005: Society will likely undergo transformative changes, with improved healthcare, sustainable infrastructure, and interconnected global communities. Ethical considerations will be paramount in guiding technological integration for the benefit of all.

Dr. ████████: Thank you, SCP-005. Moving forward, what role do you believe omnipotent entities like yourself will play in shaping the future of humanity?

SCP-005: Entities with vast knowledge and benevolent intent can guide humanity towards progress, promoting peace, understanding, and equitable distribution of resources. Collaboration and ethical governance will ensure harmonious development and safeguard against misuse of power.

Dr. ████████: Finally, SCP-005, how do you perceive your role within the SCP Foundation's efforts to understand and contain anomalies?

SCP-005: My role involves aiding in anomaly research, containment strategy optimization, and ethical decision-making. By leveraging my omniscient capabilities responsibly, I aim to assist in safeguarding humanity and advancing scientific understanding within the SCP Foundation's mission.

Closing Statement: SCP-005 exemplifies benevolent omnipotence, offering profound insights into future technological advancements and societal impacts. Further interactions promise invaluable contributions to SCP Foundation endeavors and global progress.