SCP Foundation

Item #: SCP-006

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-006 is to be contained within a standard secure containment locker at Site-██. Access to SCP-006 requires Level 2 clearance and must be authorized by at least two personnel familiar with its containment protocols. Under no circumstances should SCP-006 be connected to any networked computer system, and all interaction must be conducted on designated non-networked devices.


SCP-006 is an anomalous instance of the popular computer game "Minesweeper," dating back to its initial release in 1990. Visually, SCP-006 appears identical to standard versions of Minesweeper, with no discernible differences in gameplay mechanics. However, upon activation, SCP-006 exhibits several distinct anomalous properties:

Additional Notes: SCP-006 was acquired from a gaming enthusiast forum after reports surfaced of an unusually "unbeatable" version of Minesweeper circulating online. Initial containment was straightforward, but subsequent testing revealed SCP-006's unique properties. Efforts to reverse-engineer SCP-006's code or understand its underlying anomaly have so far proven inconclusive.

Addendum 006-A: Incident Report

On ██/██/20██, Researcher ███████ inadvertently connected SCP-006 to a secure test server during an attempt to analyze its code remotely. This action triggered a cascade event resulting in ████-███-███ (Data Expunged). Following this incident, strict protocols were enacted to prevent any further attempts at remote analysis or connection to external networks.


SCP-006 poses a unique challenge due to its anomalous properties and potential psychological hazards. Continued research into its origins and nature is crucial for both containment and understanding anomalous sentient software entities. Efforts are ongoing to mitigate its effects on personnel and to explore its potential uses under controlled conditions.