Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-004 is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-XX. Access to SCP-004 requires Level 2 clearance and written approval from at least one Level 3 researcher. Testing with SCP-004 must be conducted in a controlled environment to prevent potential psychological harm or breach of containment protocols.


SCP-004 is a video game cartridge resembling those used in home gaming consoles from the late 20th century. The label on the cartridge indicates it as "The Most Awesome Game of All Time," despite the actual contents differing significantly from this description.

When SCP-004 is inserted into a compatible gaming console and activated, it interfaces with the user's preferences and expectations regarding video games. The game presented to the user is always diametrically opposed to their personal tastes, manifesting as what they would consider the worst game imaginable.

Additional Anomalous Properties:

Incident Report:

On ██/██/20██, Researcher ████████ inadvertently activated SCP-004 during routine testing. Despite precautions, SCP-004 generated a game that induced a severe psychological reaction in the researcher, resulting in temporary disorientation and emotional distress.


SCP-004 poses minimal physical danger but presents a significant psychological hazard to unprepared or unsupervised individuals. Research into its origin, purpose, and potential links to other anomalous artifacts is ongoing under the supervision of Dr. ████ at Site-XX.