
SCP-002 is a human male approximately 35 years of age, named John ██████. Physically and psychologically, SCP-002 appears to be entirely normal. However, due to unspecified past incidents involving the SCP Foundation, SCP-002 has been designated as an anomaly and placed under containment.

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-002 is to be housed in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-██. The cell should be equipped with basic amenities suitable for prolonged human occupancy. Interaction with SCP-002 is permitted only under the supervision of Level 3 personnel or higher.

Addendum 002-1: Incident Report ██/██/████

On ██/██/████, SCP-002 was involved in an altercation with security personnel during a routine inspection. The incident resulted in minor injuries to both SCP-002 and Foundation personnel. Investigation into the cause of the altercation is ongoing, but preliminary reports suggest a breach in standard containment protocols.

Addendum 002-2: Psychological Evaluation of SCP-002

Psychological evaluations of SCP-002 have consistently indicated no signs of psychosis or abnormal behavior. SCP-002 remains cooperative and compliant with Foundation directives. Further evaluations are scheduled biannually to monitor for any changes in behavior or mental state.

Addendum 002-3: Request for Declassification

Dr. ██████ has submitted a formal request for the declassification of SCP-002, citing lack of sufficient evidence to justify continued containment. Request is pending review by Site Director and Ethics Committee.


SCP-002 remains a controversial anomaly within Foundation records, with ongoing debates regarding its classification and containment. Efforts to declassify SCP-002 are ongoing, pending resolution of internal bureaucratic challenges.