SCP Foundation


Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-001 is to be kept within a secured anomalous item containment chamber at Site-XX. Access to SCP-001 requires Level 2 clearance or higher and must be authorized by Site Administration. Due to its anomalous properties, SCP-001 is to be monitored continuously for any changes in behavior or activity.


SCP-001 is a unique merchandise item resembling a cube from the video game "Geometry Dash," manufactured by an unknown entity. The cube measures approximately 5 centimeters in size and is composed of a smooth, matte black material. It lacks any identifiable manufacturer markings or labels.

When activated by placing it in proximity to an electronic device capable of playing "Geometry Dash" or similar rhythmic-based games, SCP-001 exhibits anomalous behavior. It emits a low-frequency hum and begins to vibrate subtly. Placed on a flat surface, SCP-001 autonomously navigates through obstacles in a manner resembling gameplay mechanics observed in the video game.

SCP-001 demonstrates a degree of sentience, adapting its movements to mimic those of a player attempting to navigate challenging levels of the game. It can react to changes in its environment, such as adjusting its path to avoid obstacles or responding to verbal commands related to gameplay issued by observers.

Additional Anomalous Properties:

SCP-001 also possesses an unexplained ability to manipulate gravitational forces within a 2-meter radius of its location. This effect causes objects nearby to experience variations in weight, with some personnel reporting sensations of weightlessness or increased gravity when interacting with SCP-001.

Research into the origins and manufacturing process of SCP-001 is ongoing. Efforts are focused on understanding its creation and the entity responsible for its anomalous properties. Testing involving SCP-001's interaction with other anomalous objects and its potential applications in containment procedures for mobile anomalies is currently under consideration.

Note: Due to SCP-001's adaptive behavior and unpredictable nature, all interactions and experiments must be conducted with caution. Researchers are advised to document any deviations from expected patterns during testing for further analysis and adjustment of containment protocols.