SCP-003 - Anomalous Melee Disc


SCP-003 is an anomalous copy of a Nintendo GameCube disc resembling "Super Smash Bros. Melee," lacking official labeling or markings. Instead, the disc features a small, hand-drawn smiley face in black marker ink.

When activated in a GameCube console, SCP-003 exhibits unpredictable gameplay events and symbolic predictions.


  • Iolui: Executes a single jab attack.
  • Uigiy: Performs a jab attack similar to Iolui.
  • Ariol: Uses a jab attack, echoing Iolui and Uigiy.


  • "Specter of Desolation": Unlocked trophy depicting a humanoid figure in a contorted and visibly distressed state, associated with fatal incidents or accidents post-unlocking.
  • "Cut Man": Trophy resembling a small humanoid robot with scissors for hands, known for throwing boomerang-like "Rolling Cutter" blades as weapons.
  • "Inky": Trophy resembling a ghostly figure with a whimsical expression, known for strategic movements and elusive behaviors.
  • "V1, the Demon Slayer": Trophy depicting V1, the protagonist from the indie game "ULTRAKILL," known for agile combat and demonic weapon proficiency.
  • "Gnaw, the Eternal Hunger": Trophy depicting Gnaw, a monstrous creature from "Awesomenauts," known for toxic weeds and deadly poison.
  • "Monaco, the Gentleman Thief": Trophy depicting Monaco, the stealthy character from "Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine," skilled in heists and gadgets.
  • "Aiden, the Wanderer": Trophy depicting Aiden, the main character from "The First Tree," on an emotional journey through landscapes.
  • "Geometry Dash Cube": Trophy resembling the iconic cube from "Geometry Dash," known for navigating challenging levels with precision.