SCP Foundation

Item #: SCP-007

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-007 is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-XX. Access to SCP-007 requires Level 3 clearance and must be authorized by personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher. Testing involving SCP-007 must be conducted in a reinforced testing chamber with remote handling equipment due to its anomalous properties.


SCP-007 appears to be a medieval-style sword with a unique and deceptive design. The sword exhibits a blade and handle configuration that defies conventional understanding:

Anomalous Properties:

When wielded, SCP-007 exhibits the following anomalous properties:

Additional Notes:

SCP-007 was recovered from [REDACTED], where it was reportedly used in a series of ritualistic ceremonies. Investigation into the origins of SCP-007 and its previous owners is ongoing. Personnel handling SCP-007 are advised to exercise caution and avoid direct physical contact without appropriate protective measures due to its deceptive and hazardous nature.