SCP-015: The Eternal Echoes Record Player

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-015 is to be securely contained within a reinforced containment locker at Site-XX. The locker must be equipped with fire suppression systems and regularly inspected for structural integrity. Access to SCP-015 requires Level 2 clearance and authorization from Site Command.


SCP-015 appears as a vintage record player resembling models popular in the mid-20th century. Despite its ordinary appearance, SCP-015 exhibits anomalous properties related to its playback mechanism.

When a vinyl record is placed on SCP-015 and powered on, the record player unfailingly initiates playback of a specific song titled "Eternal Echoes." This song, of unknown origin, is a tranquil instrumental piece that elicits a calming effect on listeners.

The primary anomaly of SCP-015 manifests when attempts are made to disrupt or alter its playback:

Maintenance and Testing:

Regular maintenance and testing of SCP-015 should be conducted by Class D personnel under controlled conditions. Researchers are advised to use noise-canceling headphones or remote monitoring to minimize exposure to "Eternal Echoes."

SCP-015 was acquired from a private collection following reports of anomalous properties associated with the record player. Investigation into its origin and the source of "Eternal Echoes" is ongoing.

Addendum 015-1:

Initial tests confirm that attempts to replicate "Eternal Echoes" from SCP-015 onto other recording media have been unsuccessful. The song only manifests during playback on SCP-015 itself, further highlighting its anomalous nature.