SCP-014: The Banana Fruitaur

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-014 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber measuring 10m x 10m x 5m at Site-XX. The chamber should be furnished with comfortable bedding, a variety of enrichment activities (including drawing supplies, roller skates, and baking materials), and a selection of her favorite foods, including square cheese peanut butter crackers, grilled cheese, and various fruits. A small kitchen area is to be provided to allow SCP-014 to prepare her meals.

Feeding should occur three times daily, with a focus on fresh bananas and other tropical fruits. All interactions with SCP-014 should be supervised by at least one Level 3 personnel, and any signs of distress or agitation are to be reported immediately. SCP-014 has a preference for listening to music, particularly Weird Al and Weezer, which can be played upon request.


SCP-014 is a sentient humanoid entity resembling a hybrid between a banana and a taur (a mythological creature combining features of a human and an animal). SCP-014 stands approximately 1.8 meters tall and has a segmented body structure with a humanoid upper torso and a lower body resembling that of a snail. On all fours, SCP-014 measures approximately 5'9" in length.

The upper body of SCP-014 is covered in a thick, banana-yellow skin with a texture similar to that of a ripe banana. Her head features a pair of large, expressive eyes and a mouth capable of speech, though she typically communicates using simple gestures and vocalizations resembling those of a human child. SCP-014 wears glasses and is legally blind without them.

The lower body of SCP-014 is elongated and flexible, allowing her to move in a manner similar to a snail. This portion of her body secretes a slippery, mucous-like substance that aids in locomotion and leaves a trail of banana-scented residue. SCP-014's tail, which extends from the base of her spine, resembles a banana peel and is used for balance and defensive displays.


SCP-014 is generally docile and exhibits behavior indicative of high intelligence and curiosity. She is known to engage in playful activities, interact with researchers, and respond positively to stimuli such as music and colorful objects. SCP-014 demonstrates an ability to understand basic human language and can follow simple commands.

SCP-014 has a distinct personality and various interests. She loves jokes and enjoys activities such as roller skating, scrapbooking, drawing, and baking. Her favorite foods include grilled cheeses and bananas on pizza, though this preference is considered unusual by other entities.

Anomalous Properties:

SCP-014 possesses the ability to regenerate damaged or lost body parts rapidly. This regenerative capability extends to her fruit-like skin, which can heal within minutes of being damaged. Additionally, the mucous-like substance secreted by SCP-014 has mild adhesive properties and can be used to temporarily bond objects together.

SCP-014's "shell" or back fruit segment is not permanently attached and sheds every three months. This process is painless and results in the growth of a new shell. The shed shell is inedible and induces vomiting if consumed.

Addendum XXXX-1:

SCP-014 was discovered in a remote tropical region of [REDACTED], following reports of a "living banana creature" by local villagers. The entity was captured and transported to Site-XX without incident. Ongoing research aims to uncover the origins and full extent of SCP-014's anomalous properties.

Further Research:

Exploration into the cultural and social behaviors of SCP-014 and other Fruit-taurs is ongoing. Researchers are particularly interested in the biological mechanisms behind SCP-014's regenerative abilities and her unique dietary preferences.