SCP-013 - Anomalous Pistol

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-013 is to be stored in a standard containment locker at Site-XX. Access to SCP-013 requires Level 2 clearance and must be authorized by the site director or assigned researcher. Testing with SCP-013 should be conducted in designated testing chambers equipped with ballistic gel and safety goggles.


SCP-013 appears outwardly as a standard semi-automatic pistol of unknown make and model, with a matte black finish. The anomalous properties of SCP-013 manifest when it is loaded with .45 caliber ammunition and fired. Instead of bullets, SCP-013 anomalously fires a pair of sunglasses (designated SCP-013-1).

SCP-013-1 instances vary in design, from aviator styles to modern fashion frames. Analysis of SCP-013-1 has shown them to be composed of standard materials used in non-anomalous sunglasses. Despite the lack of apparent anomalous properties in SCP-013-1, their manifestation from SCP-013 remains unexplained.

Addendum 013-A:

Testing with SCP-013 has shown that SCP-013-1 instances possess normal physical properties and can be worn like conventional sunglasses. There have been no observed secondary effects or alterations to individuals wearing SCP-013-1.

Addendum 013-B:

Initial attempts to reverse-engineer SCP-013 to understand its anomalous properties have been inconclusive. Further research is ongoing to determine the origin and mechanism behind SCP-013's ability to manifest SCP-013-1.

Note: SCP-013 has potential for use in containment and non-lethal engagements, pending further research and safety protocols.