SCP-012 - Anomalous Plant

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-012 is to be contained within a reinforced botanical containment chamber at Site-XX. The chamber must be equipped with automated monitoring systems for environmental variables and growth patterns. Access to SCP-012 requires Level 3 clearance and must be authorized for research purposes only. All personnel entering SCP-012's containment area must undergo thorough decontamination procedures upon exiting.


SCP-012 is a species of plant resembling a large, purple vine with iridescent leaves. It exhibits anomalous properties in its growth cycle, manifesting four types of fruits:

SCP-012 displays a symbiotic relationship with local fauna, which actively protect it from harm. The plant emits infrasound signals to communicate with nearby organisms, influencing their behavior to ensure its survival.

Efforts to cultivate SCP-012 outside of controlled environments have resulted in rapid overgrowth and significant ecological disruption. The plant's genetic structure reveals unique adaptations, potentially influenced by unidentified environmental factors.

Addendum 012-1: Incident 012-A

On ██/██/████, unauthorized interaction with SCP-012 led to █ casualties due to exposure to the Globgloboglobglepomnilocopolyhedron fruit's spatial distortion effects. Containment protocols revised to include enhanced security measures and periodic environmental assessments.

Further research into SCP-012's anomalous properties and potential applications, particularly regarding its hazardous Globgloboglobglepomnilocopolyhedron fruit, is ongoing under strict containment protocols.