SCP-011 - Sentient Chessboard

Object Class: Safe


SCP-011 is a standard chessboard measuring 40 cm x 40 cm with 32 chess pieces (16 white, 16 black). The chessboard and pieces are made of high-quality wood and exhibit no anomalous properties when separated. SCP-011's anomalous behavior manifests when the chess pieces are placed on the board.

SCP-011 is sentient and communicates by rearranging its pieces to form various configurations that express emotions or reactions. Despite the inability to move independently, the pieces shift positions when unobserved, typically during the brief moments a researcher looks away or blinks. SCP-011 can express a wide range of emotions, including but not limited to happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, and curiosity.

Communication Methods:


SCP-011 was discovered in a small antique shop in [REDACTED], where it was reported to have "a mind of its own." Foundation agents were dispatched after reports of the chessboard's peculiar behavior reached local authorities. The shop owner claimed that SCP-011 would rearrange its pieces overnight, often leaving messages or patterns that seemed to convey emotions.

Addendum 011-1: Incident Log

Incident 011-1A:

On [DATE REDACTED], Dr. [REDACTED] conducted a series of tests to determine the extent of SCP-011's sentience. During the tests, SCP-011 displayed signs of frustration when deliberate errors in chess notation were made. The pieces were repeatedly rearranged into the correct positions, often with forceful movements that resulted in minor damage to several pieces.

Incident 011-1B:

During an interaction with D-011, SCP-011 displayed extreme agitation after the subject mocked the board's inability to move autonomously. The pieces rearranged rapidly, forming what appeared to be a threatening configuration. The subject reported feeling an intense sense of dread and was removed from the testing area. Psychological evaluation confirmed heightened anxiety and paranoia.

Research Notes:

SCP-011's ability to express emotions suggests a level of sentience akin to that of a human. Further research is required to understand the origin of this sentience and whether SCP-011 retains memories of past interactions. Ethical considerations must be taken into account when interacting with SCP-011, as it appears to possess a distinct personality and emotional responses.

Experiment Log 011-A:

Experiment 011-A1:

Objective: Determine SCP-011's response to positive reinforcement.
Procedure: Researchers praised SCP-011 for its skillful arrangements and provided gentle physical interaction by polishing the pieces.
Result: SCP-011 responded by arranging the pieces in a celebratory pattern, resembling a crown and scepter, suggesting a positive emotional state.

Experiment 011-A2:

Objective: Assess SCP-011's problem-solving abilities.
Procedure: Researchers presented SCP-011 with complex chess problems to solve.
Result: SCP-011 displayed a high level of intelligence, solving the problems with ease and rearranging the pieces to demonstrate the solutions. The board's pieces also formed a smiley face, indicating satisfaction.


SCP-011 is a highly intelligent and emotionally expressive entity confined within a chessboard and its pieces. While it poses no direct threat due to its inability to move independently, the psychological impact of its behavior on personnel must be monitored. SCP-011 provides valuable insight into non-human sentience and emotional expression, warranting continued study under controlled conditions.